Please stay with me just a little bit more

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前日, 經過一間賣沙煲冷餐的店鋪

買了數杯貢茶給老闆娘一家, 她很開心
施比受, 更有福
看見別人開心, 我也感到幸福
小小心意, 可以帶給人歡樂, 我願意付出

不經意地在 FB 看到
我覺得我真是非常阿Q 得不得了
應該是全苦的, 自己卻幻想出一點甜來…


Please stay just a little bit more..
Give me some warm…

The Do – Stay (Just a little bit more)

He was a bore, a true chore and I still wonder why I ever wanted to see him more
I know it is useless to complain all these years after, well…
Thanks for asking now I’m fine
I should have muffled my obsession but I was all too pure
And so blindly sure that he’d always have the satisfying hug I needed

Stay just a little bit more
Don’t let my heart turn sore

He was kind, polite and divine in public, tender as a sleepy child
But when we got slightly more intimate it wasn’t that bright
Yes he was kind, polite, sound and sublime, in theory
But in practice believe me, there was a nasty fire burning

Stay just a little bit more
Don’t let my heart turn sore

And when my curves came into play
Oh what a hopeles tumbling down
When his desire was stuck in plaster
I was young but I believed in no tales!

Sit in the desert of the bed I looked hard for an oasis
But all I could find was a dead camel in pieces
And I got so scared I tried to lure him back to bed
Whispered “stay just a little bit more”
But now I’m grateful to the camel
Because all the lazy boy could do was RUN, then I knew for sure
That he would never be the satisfying shag I needed, no no no

Posted on June 12th 2011 in 其他

2 Responses to “Please stay with me just a little bit more”

  1. Katherine Lam Says:

    貓咪有一顆心 :]

  2. 昨遲人 Says:

    It’s his sentimental heart Heart

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